Thursday, October 21, 2010

Penultimate night in Europe

It feels like we are going home. Our flight to Singapore is tomorrow, then we're spending two weeks in Thailand and THEN home.
Rar! I still cannot seem to upload photos onto blogger! Will have to try again in Singapore.
Singapore! Wow we are leaving Europe! We've spent 90 days in Europe and 45 days in the UK. I'm pretty proud of that effort!
Hopefully we will be able to leave tomorrow! With all the strikes going on in France (the only way its impacted us so far is that we spent an hour at a train station only to have our train cancelled, so we had to get a Taxi to a different station, on our way to Versailles, haven't seen any riots or fires or upside-down cars).
In the last blog I said we were going to Moulin Rouge that night and we did. I had no idea what to expect. It turned out to be a pretty entertaining (if not a bit corny) show. Some of it was really funny. The only thing that sucked was that we couldn't buy drinks. So if you want drinks you have to pay an extra 20 euro when you buy your ticket, even if you only want a coke. And the ticket is called show plus 1/2 bottle of Champagne and since 08 I haven't been able to drink Champagne/white wine with any level of pleasure. (Post exam celebrations).
Yesterday or the day after Moulin Rouge we took the train back to Versailles. We accidently went on a Monday in July (resulting in an excellent day spent in the gardens) so we had to go back to see the Palace, and it was soooo worth it. Absolutely brilliant. At the moment they are showing the art of the Japanese modern artist Takashi Mukakami, who does statues based on Manga or Japanese cute. I loved it. Some people didn't. I guess when you go to Versailles you may not be expecting to see a six foot ball of teeth and eyes, it could be distressing. I found it a pleasant surprise. CUTE. Plus there was the whole Palace thing too.
Today we went to Disneyland.
I love Disney.
I was so excited to be going to my second Disneyland for the year and my third with Ri.
We're both big kids when it comes to Disney.
I am so tired! I usually blog at midnight so please excuse typos or fragmented thought processes! If I didn't type it straight in like this I would never post!
I logged into the internet because Ri was worried that someone (anyone) may be worried with the images of France on TV and us being in Paris. Logged on. Nope. It probably hasn't even made the news back home.
Next time from Asia....

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