Friday, October 15, 2010

Location: Barcelona

Henri loved Portugal.
Sunny Portugal. Us at the castle.

Ri reading his mini languages book at the castle.

Me, while we were out buying the last of our Portuguese souvenirs and finding somewhere to have dinner.

We made it to Barcelona. I had a feeling DEEP in my bones that something was going to happen today. Everything was too organised. Everything had gone way too smoothly! We had our great two days in Portugal and packed the night before our flight, woke up and were early for our taxi, made it to the plane with no dramas (stopping at Harrods for a cup of tea at the airport).

So when Ri handed over the address of our hotel to the Taxi driver and the drivers reply was 'that is in a different city,' I was not the least bit surprised. Or even stressed. I just laughed and strongly suggested we get to the CBD, have lunch and then find the internet. While Ri stressed. I think the Taxi drivers plan was to drive us up to every hotel in the city until we found one with a room, a kind but very expensive offer. So Ri pretended to have found a room at the first hotel and after pausing to make sure the coast was clear, we made our way to the first place that sold Paella. Then to an internet cafe, where I had some green tea and read Novembers UK Cosmo (that I picked up in Ireland) while Ri found us this hotel, which is, you know, in the right location to start with.

Ri says: ok i stuffed up again but at least it wasn't as bad as the whole coventry fiasco. The place I did book was in barcelona just in an outer suburb that appears to be in no way connected to any tourist attraction...... i am never using europe-citys again. Oh well only one more thing to book :(

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