Sunday, October 10, 2010

kiss me! i'm irish...

the steps ri kisses the blarney stone

me feeling a little concussed

henri fell when he went in for a kiss of the stone...

We went to Blarney today. I climbed the impossible stairs to end up with an Irish man head butting my head into the Blarney stone. So while Ri is now sitting next to me being extremely eloquent in all his speech, I just have a bump on my head. Ri says the Irish man told me of his plan with my head and the stone (I couldn't extend my neck to kiss the stone) but I didn't hear the plan so I have a photo of me looking very surprized for having my head bumped into a rock.

One more day in Ireland before our flight to Portugal!

1 comment:

  1. You have an inspiring travel blog. =o)
