Friday, October 8, 2010

The Luck of the Irish

Photo: Freezing in Prague.

I have a cold. It's only a 48 hour thing (I hope), with a shnuffly nose, sore throat and a sometimes absent voice. Ri is fine. Happily reading Lonely Planets 'Europe on a shoe-string' while I suffer in silence. **SOB**.
So Prague was our Eastern European Representative and we loved it. We mostly walked around the beautiful city in the cold. We even managed to stay out til dark, Prague is so amazing at night! I'm trying to upload some photos right now but am not having much luck with the internet.
I really enjoyed the 5 hour train trip from Vienna to Prague, we had a little cabin of six seats to ourselves. I hadn't been so keen on the French or Italian trains. Ahhhhh there is a frustrated tale of trying to catch an Italian train. But then there is a frustrated tale to do with trying to use any type of Italian transport.
Ri has decided to state that he strongly dislikes all European Taxi Drivers (excluding UK and Southern Irish Taxi Drivers - I think he really likes them).
I don't entirely blame them for continuously ripping us off. If I were a European I'd be jealous of Australians too. That's probably just the cold weather making me cranky at Europe.
It was so cold in Prague! I don't think I've been so cold with so many clothes on!
OK my brain is a bit fuzzy tonight! I might head to bed and complete my post on Prague tomorrow! I even picked a blurry photo of Prague!

1 comment:

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