Monday, October 25, 2010


Mum has met us in Thailand! For a week of shopping and tiger patting.

Reports from home: Bay-Bay (our rat) has cancer (according to his vet), mum took him to the vet. It sounds like she's put a lot of effort into looking after him, I think she secretly loves him as much as we do.

Today we went shopping in Phuket. Mum's picked up haggling really quickly.

Have you heard of colour coded shopping bags? That are suppose to let other vendours now how much of a push over you are?

Apparently red-pink means you are easy and black means that you are a good haggler. The first bag we got was red, the second was black!
So I think there may be something to the theory.

It's so hot here! Ri is complaining about the heat. I spent the last month complaining about the cold, so I guess it's his turn. It's so different to Europe here!

Here is one last Euro-photo: Henri at the Louvre.

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