Thursday, September 30, 2010


There is free wi-fi at Macca's!
We try not to have McDonalds but on nights like tonight when we drive into a new city at about 8pm without a map its nice to have somewhere with free internet and disgusting but familiar food.
So we've made it back to Austria, although we haven't actually spent any quality time in Austria as yet, we've just passed through on our way from Italy to Germany or Liechtenstein to Germany.
I can't believe our time in Germany is up! I love zee Germans! With their nice cars and sensible behaviour.
Ri pointed out to me that they never walk when the dont walk sign is red. And he loves that about the Germans. I do too.
Munchen was a really nice city. We did a little drive around this morning before having lunch in the city and its so green and pretty! Ri had us staying on a street with Casinos and sex shops (I fear the accomodation will only get worse as we near the end of the trip - kidding honey you're doing a great job) near the CBD, where it isn't so green.
After lunch we sent ANOTHER box of bits and pieces to mum. With all the Italian souvenirs in it - there was NO way I was trusting the Italian post office, I was very particular about sending it from Germany. Reliable German post!
At about three pm we left Munchen and drove to Vienna. I really love our road trip days! I enjoy being stuck in the car with Ri. You know, as long as he doesn't talk too much. Or ask me where Vienna is.
I've done a little bit of 'reading' on this trip (I say 'reading' because of my choice in books). I just finished the shopoholic series, which makes you feel really smart as I can read all 400 pages in about a day, but then you pick up a real book and realise that you can't actually read any faster.
So tomorrow Vienna. The next day we get the train to Prague. Next week we're off to Ireland.
I cannot believe that it is October tomorrow!!
Had to happen I guess!
Ok so Ri is doing a little shuffle on his side of the booth which suggests that its time to find the hotel!

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