Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Acropolis Now

I was a little bit home sick this morning, I think it started a few days ago in France, where Ri got to see his dad and where we had vegemite for breakfast.
Well it's as close as I've ever come to home sickness, I miss my friends and family, I miss being literate, and I missed the sun. From Scotland to France I was cold. If I'm wearing jeans it's miserably cold. I've been singing "I come from a land down under," I think that is when you know you miss home.

Yes my homesickness is gone...

Our day in Athens today has completely refreshed me! It is just so different from what we've seen before! It's got me excited about this leg of our little journey.
We left our hotel room and for the first time in almost 2 months our skin started to go pink in the sun! And it was the type of beautiful sun that you can feel on your skin. It was about 28 degrees today and lovely. I think it played a bit part in curing my home sickness.
That and the Greeks are lovely. I already knew that Greeks are lovely, as one of my oldest friends is Greek, so it shouldn't have been a surprise when everyone here in Athens have been so nice to us.
They are just so excited to talk to you, thrilled by your responses, patient, and they have manners. Quite a contrast from the French.

So to start off my tales from Athens here are some interactions with Greeks:

Our Taxi driver was awesome. He was in his mid fifties, with a round face and angry eyebrows. He spoke next to no English and we spoke no Greek (since then Ri has mastered 'thank you'). He asked us where we were from and was
over the moon
to find out we were Australians. Honestly based on his eager response I'm sure we made his day. He went on to explain that it was 41 degrees the day earlier and that it didn't matter how high the AC was it was still so hot that you were sweating. He did this entirely with gestures.

As we stepped out of the lift this morning on our way out of the hotel we noticed that there was a massive crowd outside walking down the street. We looked to the guy at the desk and he laughed nerviously. He explained that there was a strike today and 'with strikes come demonstrations.... it should be peaceful' *nervous laugh.*
After talking to him for a few minutes, it turns out he laughed at everything that he said. But still.

The guy we bought suncream from went to expo '88 in Brisbane. It was a fantastic story when he told it.

We were so happy about the vast improvement in weather that we had two icecreams each today! Oh what crazy kids we are.


  1. The hair looks awesome! I couldn't quite get the full effect the other day when you were peeking out from under the covers.
    Was great talking to you both and as much as I want you to keep having an awesome time I'm really looking forward to you guys getting home.

    P.S. I've already placed dibs on lots of Mum's furniture ;)

  2. the cameras upside down

