Monday, September 6, 2010

Back in Europe

I swear if Ri says 'what did you say' one more time....

So it's been four months of travel. We are back in France at Ri's dads house for a weekend break from travel. Ri was talking about Thailand like it's this awesome upcoming holiday. "And we will get somewhere by the beach?"


"And we will just sit around? Doing nothing?"


I think he has forgotten work.

Which means we are doing this right.
Since the last blog we went to the Isle of Skye. I'm afraid all I have for you on that is that it is so amazingly pretty and cold. Ri's Scottish Aunty makes this yummy fudge/toffee thing so Ri's sis set us a challenge of finding something like it in Scotland and we accidently did. At a petrol station leaving the Isle of Skye, I always ask Ri for a gift when he is paying for the fuel and he usually came back with a magazine in Scotland so I could study the life and times of Cheryl Cole and Katie Price. The above photo is Ri eating the fudge.
From Isle of Skye we made our way to Glasgow. Where we had an entirely fancy dinner at T.G.I. Fridays, and I didn't understand the waiter. Like at all. I would laugh along and when he left the table I was like "what did he say?" It was so bad that while we were listening to the radio we accidently switched to a Gaelic station and didn't notice for a few minutes as it made about as much sense as the other channels.
From Glasgow we went back to Edinburgh and from Edinburgh to Geneva, which is where we hired a car to drive to France.
Tomorrow we are heading to Athens!
And I'll have my birthday on one of the Greek Islands.

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