Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Island Odyssey

The first photo is me on my birthday in Mykonos. The next two photos are of Santorini.

I love the Greek Islands.

It is the perfect place to go and holiday. Not like an interesting but museum-y holiday (like in Berlin) or freeze your butt off in the cold while looking at amazing sites holiday (like in Scotland) (I loved both of these places btw) but a out in the sun holiday HOLIDAY. I'm even sporting a mild tan.

It was the beginning of September when we arrived in Mykonos and we got the feeling that it was the right time to go as the weather was lovely, but there were no crowds. All the resorts were having their end of season parties.

It was my 26th birthday while we were on Mykonos and Ri definately pulled out all the stops for my first birthday as his wife. I know Ri has a blog typed up all about Mykonos and Santorini so I won't go on too much about what we did, as he has been writing the thing for days and I don't want to send him into another re-write. My favourite island was Mykonos, for the beaches and the shopping. But we did have a pretty awesome day on the back of a quad bike on Santorini!

Ri is reading the book that his sister made up for us as a wedding gift. She's set us a challenge to eat as many gelati flavours as we can while we are in Italy, we've been in Rome for half a day and have tried 6 flavours. Hello waist line. Our goal for Italy is to eat heaps of gelati, see lots of art and find me a dress to wear to a wedding that we have been invited to on the 13th of November (less than a week after we get home!) I'm also seriously considering buying a Pope bobble head.

Ri is complaining that there just is not enough time. Me? I'm sad that we are getting closer to the end of the trip - there is still over a month and a half which is the length of a pretty awesome honeymoon in itself!- but I'm happy to be making plans with people back at home!

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