Thursday, September 16, 2010

Roman holiday

Ri is suspicious of Italians. He has some serious trust issues after the Taxi driver charged 20 euro more than he should have yesterday. This morning a man called out from his car for directions to the colosseum (even I knew where it was from that location - like one street- it's a little hard to miss) he told Ri that he was a manager from Armani, showed Ri some products and then drove away. Ri was most confused saying "it was like he was going to try to sell me something, but he didn't."
I suggested that he was crazy.
Ri is concerned about Italians.
Today was day two in Rome, we are up to Gelati flavour 12, my favourite flavour so far was 'Ace' which was carrot, lemon and orange. Today we spent the day with our ears to audiotours while walking around the colosseum and Roman forum. I was very glad my brother had lent me Rome (the TV series) late last year, it did for Rome what Tudors did for London. And In Bruges did for Bruges.
At the Colosseum, when Ri was handing back our Audiotour he overheard a Dutch man asking for the audio guide for the Netherlands, the response he got was "we have German or English."
We often marvel at how lucky we are that we speak English. And how Aussies manage to be EVERYWHERE. We can go days without over-hearing an American or Brit, but Aussies are everywhere.

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