Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It was my Nans funeral today

and I wasn't there.

Now I'm not going to pretend that I was ever that close to my Nan, it terms of illness we missed each other. She was healthy when I was a very (very) unwell child, and just as I was coming out of my illness, she was falling deeper into hers. Add to that, we never lived in the same city, and you don't have the ingredients for a strong relationship.
But here are a couple of interactions:

When she still lived at home, at let's say I was about 10, she cooked a roast and sat down with me, explaining that "she knew it wasn't pleasant but I really should drink more water."

After she moved to a home, there was a gathering at my Aunty and Uncles place and let's say I am 19-20, my nan arrives and says that I'm looking a lot healthier these days, in fact "I'm almost as pretty as my cousin" (I know that it's a pretty big complement, you should see my cousin).

And last year Dad and I went to visit her at the home, I'm 24, and she can't remember who we are, or what happened 30 seconds earlier, but she is very polite all the same. She was thrilled to find out I was marrying a boy from a suburb she had live in, and kept telling me to have children, as she remembered really enjoying that.


1 comment:

  1. Awww, I'm sorry about the passing of your Grandma. :( I only had one Grandparent in my lifetime and we saw her only once a year due to the distance involved. I made a pact that when I had children of my own, they would know their Grandparents and have lived up to that - obviously since we literally moved to be where they're at. :) Daughter has grown up knowing her Grandparents and hey, they are our neighbors.

    Hope the remainder of your trip is going well.
