Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Heading back to the UK

I really should be getting ready as we have a flight today, but I thought I would put up a little bit of text.

Since the last blog we have been to Bruges and Amsterdam. Both of which were awesome!
You need to accept that Bruges is a massive tourist trap and go there anyway. I wasn't sure if I would like it as we'd read that it was fake, but in a good way. And it is a bit fake, like the Disneyland of cities, but I really did enjoy it.

Amsterdam. Amsterdam. hmmmmmm. I think you should be over 18 before they let you in. Or maybe it's just the area in which our hotel is in (Ri picked it). We've been walking around the canals going "oh they weren't kidding when they said that."
I've got some really pretty photos of Amsterdam.

And now to Scotland!!

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