Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Location - Aberdeen

Photos are from Edinburgh.

How did the election go? The BBC says that it was a hung vote. We didn't vote. Maybe we should have voted. BUT. There is only one place in the UK you can go to vote (this is according to Ri) and that is in London and we are in Scotland. I wish that the whole thing is sorted out quickly. I'm sick of switching over to the BBC and listening to some condescending little so-and-so asking if Australians even take politics seriously anyway - like 'oh look how cute Australia is trying to play politics'. There must be a least one or two people who take it seriously. It's not like they didn't have a close election here in June. OHHH and seeing the Aussie PM (?ex PM) on the BBC = painful. She sounded like such a bogan.

On election day we were walking around Edinburgh. It was a mostly sunny day and I was happy that I wasn't visting a polling booth that day.

I am in love with Scotland. It's green. Edinburgh is so beautiful. The Fringe was awesome fun. The Scots have a great sense of humour. The only thing I'm not loving is the weather. The rain switches on and off so quickly and the wind is SO COLD.

We are in Aberdeen atm Ri is watching the final of season 11 of BB UK (which started when we were in London and I was so addicted that I was looking at who was being evicted when we were in France). It's so bad. I'm loving it.

So we had 5 nights in Edinburgh. Yesterday afternoon we were walking around Edinburgh when a Aussie gave us a flier for a free comedy called "One kiwi, One Aussie, One hour" or something like that, so we walked into a club and ended up staying for 3 and a half hours of free comedy. Brilliant! This was on a Monday afternoon. One act was actually booed off stage by an Irish girl. True that jokes about paedophiles are not going to appeal to most people. But he probably has a market out there somewhere. Just not those who are at club Sin at 4pm on a Monday afternoon. For the next couple of acts we were all looking at the Irish girl from the corners of our eyes waiting for her to proper snap.

That night we went to a comedy club to see the best in Scottish comedy. FUNNY. Ok, so we only understood about 70-80% of what they said (oh I love the accent!!!!) but what we did understand was pretty funny. I think that the free show had a nicer atmosphere. The second people have to pay for comedy they seem to get a bit hostile.

Another thing we did in Edinburgh is visit the national gallery - for two reasons - one is that it's free. The other is that I didn't like the Munch gallery in Oslo and I wanted to show Ri that it was the arts fault and not my attention span. Turns out it's probably a bit of both.
We went to the botanical gardens. We climbed a random mountain. Or two.
We had some vegetarian haggis, at the worlds end.
I think tomorrow we are going to a castle.
We hired a car in Edinburgh today and it was almost as bad as the day we picked up 'Gurdy' (the car we picked up in France) Ri had a day of adjusting to driving on the correct side of the road again. Round-abouts = terrifying. I had to point out that he learnt to drive on the left side of the road!

Back at home this week it is wedding week! There are two weddings this weekend and we have been chatting about the weddings and hope that everything goes really well this weekend for Annie and Drew and Annie and Dave.

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