Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cold. Pretty. Highlands.

The dining room was heated by a fire. Outside it smelt like a warm wood fire (like Googa). In our room it is cold. Ri was wearing his jacket. You know it's cold when Ri has his jacket on. He is walking around with his little hood on and I call him the John James to my Josie because I watched way too much BB UK. Ri never gets cold. He has this internal heater that keeps him warmer than normal humans.

Let's see what have my portable human heater and I been up to...

I think I covered Edinburgh last time (I really should read past blogs before I start the next one). From Edinburgh we made our way to Aberdeen, that's right the last blog I did was in Aberdeen. We saw this castle near Stonehaven (this was about 10 miles from Aberdeen). I forget what the castles name is and am too cold to look it up. But it was old and very pretty. Well what was left, it had that ruins feel going on. Now according to my guidebook a scottish castle is not a castle unless Mary Queen of Scots visits and MQoS visited this castle... twice! William Wallace also went there. The photo is of Ri on one cliff and the castle on the other.
I overheard a Scottish tourist saying that there was 440-odd steps to the castle and the next day it felt like there was 440-odd steps to the castle. Not big steps. Just a lot of them.

After Aberdeen we went to Inverness. On 28-08-2010 (I mention the full day as that was Annie and Drew / Annie and Daves wedding day) we went to Loch Ness to hunt monsters and have a picnic in terrifying conditions. Ri has a saying "it has to be terror sweat" and applies it to convincing me to play in snow, climb mountains and have picnics on the edge of cliffs at Loch Ness. So we had our picnic and toasted the newly weds back home. I was looking at photos just then and the Brides looked amazing. (The saying "it had to be terror sweat" is from the Simpsons, naturally)

So right now we are in the highlands. And. I'm. Cold.
The mountains look like they've come straight from paintings. I'm running out of basic ways to say pretty/beautiful and too cold to think.

1 comment:

  1. I almost have forgotten what it feels like to be... cold. :o) For we've experienced one of our hottest summers on record here in Central Illinois and it just keeps going and going.

    It's so enjoyable to read about your fascinating journey.
    Best wishes,
