Thursday, August 12, 2010

100 days of Travel (so far)

100 days! How is that? Not too bad in my opinion! Only 80+ days until we are back home. I’m already thinking about life back home. Currently not extremely keen on having to go home after living like this. It feels normal now to move every couple of days, hotels are now just home and I get to spend all day every day with Ri! The only thing I’m getting sick of is having to eat every single day! Although my fat rolls suggest I’m still managing. I’m a little tired of the minimal selection of vegetarian options. I can only eat so many buns with no meat.
In 6 more nights we will be in Scotland and I’m keen to head back to countries where we will be able to understand everyone. The Vegie selection was good in England, maybe it's good in Scotland too?

Anyway since the last blog we have covered a vast distance. And not really seen a lot. Five nights ago we were in Tromso, which was a life-long dream of mine ever since I found out it existed 6 months ago. Tromso was awesome. Tromso is in the Arctic circle so we had two nights without any darkness. And a crazy beautiful sunset/rise on the first night. We kept expecting the darkness to come after we saw the sunset (because we’re silly) and were treated to seeing the sunset for about 2-3 hours only to change its mind at the last minute and at about quarter past midnight it started getting visibly lighter, time for sunrise! This all happened before the last blog.
We got on a flight from Tromso to Oslo at about 8:30am and then drove from Oslo to Copenhagen where we slept, did our laundry (people never say this about travelling but the need for clean clothes is almost as annoying as the need to eat every day), grabbed a hotdog (on our own!), grabbed some ice-cream and then we made our way to legoland.
Ah LEGOLAND. The photos at the start are from Legoland. This is one thing I am sure Aussies could do better than Scandinavians. Maybe they have better hotdogs, ice-cream, ways of selling cheap furniture BUT Aussies could make a better Legoland. Although I’m also convinced anyone can make a better Legoland.

There are many reasons why I'm not a fan of Legoland DK, but here is the big one that made Legoland a disappointment for Ri.

The park builds Lego structures that are really ugly and about their sponsors. So one sponsor is Dong energy, so we were treated to a Lego energy plant, a Lego solar plant and the ever so colourful Lego off-shore oil rig. And a Lego airport. And a Lego space station (ok Ri liked that one). There was no COLOUR, no personality. No interesting use of Lego. Like Lego a fork at the burger shop. Nowhere to interact with Lego either, which is what Ri was hanging out for.

So we left Legoland after only a couple of hours disappointed. And made our way to Bremen, Germany. Which wasn’t the most beautiful city we’ve ever seen. We gave up on this city three times, making our way back to the car, but we kept going back out because Lonely Planet had said it was pretty. In the end we did find a nice street and a couple of pretty little churches. If we had found it sooner we probably would have left thinking Bremen was amazingly pretty. But we were just over it and had a big drive down to Luxembourg to do that day.
And that is where I am now. Luxembourg. Eating pineapple. Watching CNN. We plan to see the city tomorrow before heading on to Bruges.

One awesome thing that did happen at Legoland is that we ended up (entirely by accident) at the Bob the Builder 4D movie. Which was in Danish. So we sat watching Bob the Builder with 3D glasses on for about 30 minutes having NO IDEA what was happening. It was hilarious. We really did have a good time. But the kids HATED it. The 4D effects were scary at some points and come to think of it, it was probably about why Dong energy is awesome. So maybe the poor things were bored.


  1. Thats strange as. My memories from Legoland, where big long pits of lego that you could make whatever you wanted. And motorised towns underwater with lego trains and all sorts of stuff moving around underwater.

    Shit must have changed since I was there. Certainly don't remember any energy sponsers :s

    Ah well.

    M Dog.

  2. Are you making that up? About the pits of lego? As that was Ri was dreaming of. If they did once exist don't tell him!
