Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Location - Copenhagen

Well I didn't really write anything about Berlin yet, where we had four days of trying to take in Germany history and have fun. Which I don't think can happen at the same time in Berlin. We found visiting the museums quite draining. At least now I feel like I know a little more about the wars and the wall. All of which I could have learnt about in history if I paid attention I guess, but there is something more powerful about learning in settings like the DDR museum which is a hands on museum that is about life in Eastern Germany.
On our first day in Berlin Ri asked me what I wanted to do and I said that I wanted to leave having a better understanding of Germanys history.
Alright, Ri says, where would you like to go first?
The zoo, I say.
This is the thing about Europe with me at the moment. I want to learn and understand. But I want to have some fun too. So on our first day we went to the zoo and played with the otters and then the next day started systematically going to all those museums (checkpoint charlie, DDR, history) and an aptly named memorial known as the 'memorial to the murdered jews of europe.'

From Germany we have driven up to Denmark, on our first night we stayed in Assens for no other reason than one of our favourite peoples was born there and we wanted to see it. It was a small sea-side town, the high light for us was a toy store called Bambi where Ri bought some lego. Which he had since assembled and now it's taken pride of place next to the TV in our hotel room in Copenhagen. The photos above are from Assens, well the first one is Ri with his lego which the shop owner kindly wrapped for him. He greatly enjoyed unwrapping it the next day. The second shot is from an island near-ish to Assens.
I LOVE COPENHAGEN! We spent today in the shopping area and bought some shoes, 2 headbands, a skirt and a dress, which is the most stuff I have bought in 3 months. It is just so beautiful, and I love the people. And the icecream.

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