Monday, July 12, 2010

Lazy Day at La Bise

I spoke to my Dad yesterday and he issued a complaint, saying that he checks my blog every day and that I only put up one once a week on average. So here is an extra blog for my dad.

I fell asleep late last night, the fact that the sun sets unreasonably late (10pm) does not suit my insominiac tendencies. So I crawled out of bed at about 2pm, exhausted and exclaiming that today is a write off.

Ri had spent the morning getting the TV working and all the stations with the promise of English TV. He switched all the audio settings to English and spent today surfing French dubbed American shows begging the TV for some English. 8 hours later he is sitting in front of me victorious. He is watching a John Wayne movie. You know "howdy pilgrims." It's even in black and white.

I've spent the day curled up with a book, the moral of which I think is something along the lines of women never leave your families for a career or your husband will cheat, and he has every right to, so shoo back to the kitchen with you!. But it is in English so I'm happy to see how it ends.

We have a couple more days here in the French Alps before we rent a car and head of to the North of Europe. I'm not exactly sure of the plans, that is Ri's department.

We're waiting for Tour de France to pass by, as they block off roads. We were offered the opportunity to sit by the road for a couple of hours waiting to see them eventually go pass. I'm more inclined to take a picture of a random cyclist and pretend I saw the Tour de France. It's just not interesting sport is it? (Not that I find any sport interesting) But if they were to add a few cars to the roads and it may be interesting.

The photo is of Ri's dads home. I think Ri wishes that his dad was here.


  1. I think it's wonderful that your Dad follows your Blog! I wish my parents would do that! They instead are often critical and don't often "get me". :P

    You are surely having some travels!! We have about one month left here before daughter's school starts up, but even so, her Cheerleading practices begin in just a week and it will be at the school from there on out in one way or another.

    While our summer has flown by, it has also been filled with much fun. Not as exotic of travels as you, but still - wonderful little road trips and lots of time with family and friends. I would say it's been one of the best summers ever, in fact.

    That photo is really cool - what an interesting place to live! :)

  2. Yeah I think all of our family follow our little adventures. It certainly is an interesting place to live! Enjoy the last bit of your summer holidays!!
