Monday, July 19, 2010

Location - Wurzburg, Germany

Take Two: The pic's are of Swiss chocolate, a German castle and a street in Lichtenstein.

We have a hire car for about a month, we picked it up 5-6 days ago from France. It took me a day or so to recover from the terror of Ri driving in Europe. It's scary because it's the wrong side of the road, on small should-be-one-way-street roads with Ri's driving, a style more at home on the correct side of the road. But having our own car has been fun, there is an unbelievable freedom, and an overwhelming potential, so many possible places to see! Since my last blog in Switzerland we've been to 3 more countries! Admittedly we ended up in Austria by accident while looking for teeny tiny Germany - simple mistake can happen to anyone.

We drove from France to Switzerland. Where we spent a couple of nights in Geneva. I've decided that if anyone ever asks me where they should go on their honeymoon my response will be something like "forget Paris, check out Geneva." I really enjoyed our day walking around Geneva! We parked the car and made our way to the first chocolate shop we could find. Run by a pleasant...jolly even, older lady, who clearly enjoyed her own product. Ri would only allow me to buy a handful because it was HOT outside, so we picked out six or so pieces and took them to the nearest area where we could admire the water, bridges and swans.
And what original thing can you say about Swiss chocolate? It is everything that they say it is. That being. Oh.So.Good. The next day I went to a shop in Lausanne and purchased ~$80 worth of chocolate, and it only lasted 2 days because it was. OH.SO.GOOD. We bought 3 thin 'sheets' of chocolate, with nuts and toffee in them and ahhh sitting here remembering them is torturing me because it was. OH.SO.GOOD.
Ri decided that Switzerland looked so small the we could drive across it in 3 hours, leaving us 4 or 5 hours to dropped in a little side locations. Um Wrong. It's smaller than Australia yes, but it still takes time to drive these distances. We arrived at our hotel in Liechtenstein at around 9pm, after a day of driving with really only one stop at Lausanne, for chocolate.
We spent Sunday morning in Liechtenstein for no other reason than we thought it would be very unique and funny to be able to say we spent a Sunday morning in Liechtenstein, and it also gives us a reason to say Liechtenstein. Most of Vaduz was shut, being a Sunday, and the most prevalent accent we heard on the main street... was our own. Lame. Turns out every Aussie seems to think it's unique and funny to go to Liechtenstein. I don't entirely blame them, it is fun to say. We haven't heard so many Aussie's since we were in Western Canada. So we sat in a cafe in Liechtenstein, eating curry-pineapple pizza and saying Liechtenstein and cursing our entirely unoriginal thought of coming to Liechtenstein.
From Liechtenstein we drove to Germany. We simply had to see the castle that Disney based his castle on, it was shut by the time we got there as we confused Austria with Germany and got a little lost in Germany too. We found eventually found the beginning of the Romantic Road, and a town that seemed to be having a festival, so we checked out the markets and entertainment. Oh here is something cute that Ri said. We had just entered Germany and he was reading a road sign and snicks to himself "Ausfahrt! (Giggles) We should go to Ausfahrt!" Now the next few signs said Ausfahrt and I'm sure he was thinking that this Ausfahrt place was pretty big. In Australia this like a German tourist seeing a sign and saying (in German, but I have to write it in English) "Exit, haha, let's go to Exit!"
Oh I adore Ri, he makes me laugh every single day.

One of my favourite moments so far on this trip has been driving on the Autobahn. Ri was doing around 170km/hr, we had the music up loud and he had to keep moving to the slow lane to let all the cars past, watching them woosh by was just magical. I was so envious! Oh let me drive! (I don't have an international licence). I think our top speed was just below 190. FUN.
We spent two nights in Wurzburg, and used it as a base to find small (ish) German towns, which we would drive through and get out of the car if we saw something that needed further exploration. Like a place that sells icecream.
We are currently in Berlin... tomorrow there is no official destination... just North.

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