Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Penultimate day in the USA

This is a photo of Henri at Central Park the last time we were in New York. We have to go back today to catch our flight to the UK tomorrow. Here is what the next two days looks like. Return rental car in Boston, catch a train (3hrs) to New York, see the lion king at Broadway tonight at 8pm, be up and ready for a flight tomorrow morning (I think we have to be at the airport by 6am).

So we've been away from home for over a month! I've asked Ri some questions (something different to put on the blog):
-Some of the answers are mine-
What do you miss most about home (excluding Friends/family):
- V
- our bed
- our pets Baylee and Ky
- Variety in clothing
- our car Suzi

Some 'awards' for North American cities that we've visited:

Best Architecture: Boston

Nicest smelling city: Vancouver

Dining awards -
Best Lunch: Soundwave - San diego
Best Dinner: Fairmont - Lake Louise
Besting dining experience: Japan, Epcot, Disneyworld

Best museums: Washington DC

Nicest parks: Montreal

Well I better be off, looks like we're off to Breakfast! Next time we post will be from London!!


  1. So jealous! I heart London.

    Looks like you're having a fantastic time :)

    Miss you xo

  2. Hope you've had a safe trip home! Glad you made so many wonderful memories together. ♥
    I like the name of your car (that was my first doll's name and I still have her, lol, though I spell it Suzy). Interesting choices on your favorites - my husband (a Canadian) has family in the Vancouver area and he also stayed at the Fairmont at Lake Louise.

  3. Hey guys. Missing you heaps. Wish I had made it to Washington sounds awesome. Another excuse to go back. Nice and cold here at last. Good for snuggling up at night. Stayed with nan last night. She sends her love.Currently looking for a new career. Any ideas?? love you lots mum

  4. Miss you too JD!

    Linda, Canada is beautiful! Did you stay at the Fairmont with your husband? If not he should take you the next time you visit his family.

    Hi Meg! Career change? Speech pathologist?
