Saturday, June 5, 2010

Location - Boston

The photo is of Henri at the Jefferson memorial- Washington DC.

We spent 4 days at Washington DC and I think it has to be my favourite US city. We spent two days in the Smithsonian museums. I have a photo of me looking at the hope diamond that I'll have to put up, my whole face is just lit up. Ri said he'll buy it for me when it comes on sale.
I bought a book at the American history museum on ... American history called "The lies my teacher told me." I like it because it balanced out all the really over the top patriotic propagander that is everywhere. The American's have done alot of impressive things, but it's exhausting to read all the exhibits that say they did it on their own.

But I digress, on the whole Washington is a beautiful city. This morning we got up early (our flight was to be at 12:30) to visit the Library of Congress at 8:30, which was pretty amazing. We saw a 550 year old bible. That had been printed using a printing press. It was quite awe inspiring. Well for me. I'm partial to the written word.

We got to the Ronald Reagan Internation Airport just after 10am. So plenty of time!

If we had been at the right airport. Turns out we needed to be at an airport that was over 45 minutes away, so we missed our flight!

We had to pay an extra $150 for tickets on a 5pm flight.

Luckily Ri tried to get us into the gold standard (or whatever) lounge, and instead of letting us in they got us on a 2:30pm flight, which ended up getting to Boston at around the same time as our original flight, which had a lay over in Newark.

Our bag ended up on the 5pm flight, and it's yet to be delivered to our hotel.

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