Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Location - Washington DC

Hi all. Tori here. We are currently in Washington DC. And-It-Is-Hot. And sunny. (The cloudy photo was taken yesterday when we walked to Capital Hill - that shot was taken just before it poured down raining) Today we spent the day walking around with the goal to see the monuments today. I love Washington! I think it's my favourite US city so far (we really only have Boston left, before heading back to New York - bluh - and then we are off to the UK!). I love the lay out of Washington, it's all so open, with water everywhere.
Since I last blogged, we have spent four full days at Disneyworld parks, and two days in Montreal. After my time in New York I thought that I was in for a disaster of a trip - the city I was looking forward to the most was completely average and did not move me at all - but that's another blog/rant, which Ri should be writing (I can't blame his lack of motivation considering the subject).
Disneyworld was awesome. We spent 12 hours a day easy at one of four parks (Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Disney and The Magic Kingdom) or at Downtown Disney. And I loved everything about it! We stayed at the cheapest of the resorts, but it still came with all the perks of staying at a resort (like extra Disney hours). I cannot wait to go back. It was my fourth Disney theme park, if I go to the Disneyland in Hong Kong I'll have been to all the Disney parks in the world!

From Disneyworld we flew up to Montreal. Which I loved. It was charming! Nice weather just to walk around. We made our way down town, to the river, found that we were walking down a really... how should I put this?... Rainbow St. Lots of Rainbow flags, certain kinds of nightclubs, I couldn't help but laugh as Ri had spent the day trying to walk that little bit slower, but as we walked down this street he had started to speed up a little bit... it was the posters on the sides of the nightclubs, they were... they left nothing to the imagination.
We walked across a bridge to an island where there was a 'biosphere' - which was closed, but the abundance of ground squirrels made up for that! So Fat. So Cute!!

I need to add more of the pics we've taken of Henri!

Please Excuse my spelling! Or phrasing! I usually post at midnight!

:) T

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