Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Henari in Montreal

The Henari shots are not going to be in any sort of order. Here he is in French Canadian city Montreal.

This shot was taken on May 31 2010

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you are continuing the Jones tradition of stumbling on the seedier side of town were ever you go. Montreal was cold and grey when we visited but certainly had a good buzz. Widh I had gone to Washington now and so unfortunate New York was a let down maybe we all built it up too much. I went there 3 times and had a great experience every time. Lucky the rest of the trip has met or exceeded expectations. Can't believe a month has gone so quickly and what an amazing month it has been for you. recovering today from Nev's 60th. Had a great night - band was awesome and company great. Nev's girls did a great " memories of our childhood etc "- very clever and very funny. Miss you lots. love mum
