Saturday, June 12, 2010

Location - London

I almost put this in the last blog before we left the US but thought better of it, but as we are starting to feel a bit better after two days of bed rest I can admit that Ri and I have been feeling under the weather for about a week - since we were in Washington (is what I think) Ri thinks we caught something from 'all those kids at Disneyworld.'
So right now I am frustrated and just want to see London! Frustrated is an upgrade from 'just kill me now' which was two days ago.
We had a night tour when we arrived two days ago thanks to our Taxi driver, who really needs to learn to form a political opinion - we made the mistake of asking who the new PM was (we were vaguely aware that there was an election here and last we heard it had been pretty close). Turns out our Taxi driver was extremely conservative. At 11pm at night I don't really want to hear about how labours let in Gypsy's (and crusty jugglers?) into the country. But he also showed us Harrods, Buckingham palace, Hyde Park, Big Ben and all those places that make you go "wow, I'm in London!! cool"

Ri has gone out on a mission and when he gets back (hopefully by 4pm) we'll venture out for a walk down the river and hopefully get in a full day of site seeing tomorrow.

Oh and guess what Ri surprised me with this morning?
He looked it up in the USA to see if he could buy some there and found that it was sold in the UK and found me some this morning while I was asleep. (Best husband ever).

Hopefully next time I'll have a more interesting story. Considering that in 3 nights time we have no hotels booked or exact plans on where we are headedm just a vague idea that we'll hire a car and go south... that can only led to interesting stories. As its how Ri loves to travel. Me? I like knowing where I am going to sleep!

We miss everyone!


  1. Bring on the random travel, you're a Jones now ;) I'm in HK airport so in a far too many looooong hours I'll be as geographically close to you as we're going to get for the next few months. Hope you're both feeling better.

  2. Is that the airport on the sea? I think we watched a show about that airport (while curled up in bed coughing). Have an awesome time in Oslo! Best of luck sleeping on a plane. I've found it remains to be one of my strengths as we travel. I can sleep anywhere.

  3. It's Vic btw, didn't realise Ri was logged in.

  4. that makes more sense! I was wondering how the hell I missed out on those genes ;)
    I saw something today that you would've loved (have heaps of pics but haven't had a chance to upload yet) the Disney Magic Cruise Ship!!! You might have to add that to the list with Hong Kong Disney world just so you've gone above and beyond!

  5. Long legs certainly make it harder to sleep in cramped places. Feeling a bit left out with all my family globe trotting. Hope your bout of the lurgie?? will build up your immune system so you stay fit from here on. I loved Boston too and agree with you about UQ - nothing beats the great court on a summer afternoon. love you guys
