Saturday, June 12, 2010

Boston, Boston Massachusetts.

Boston was awesome. I absolutely loved Boston. It was so green and there is so much history. During our time in Boston we found our way to Harvard (it may be my extreme bias for UQ, but I think it's more beautiful). But Harvard was so GREEN. Everywhere in the USA and UK have been so GREEN. The grass really is greener on the other side.
We'd hired a car and Ri insisted that we drive past MIT.
In Boston we mostly walked around, following the Freedom trial. We know so much more about American history than we do our own! This was proved when we had dinner at a pub in Boston called the Black Rose. On the place mats there was a story, the exact details escape me, about how 9 men in the UK where saved from execution and set to Australia instead and how one of them went on to become prime minister of Australia around 1860. We sat there going... Ummmmm I don't think thats even possible. 1901? But who ruled before then. I have no clue.

How embarrassing.

The last two photos are us in Washington. We went for a walk at night, and with the lights and the water it is so very beautiful. And thats me looking at the hope diamond.

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