Monday, May 3, 2010

Our Wedding Day

Getting ready:
The Girls
I woke up at 5:15am, with Stace jumping on my bed singing (loudly) "COS WE'RE GOING TO THE CHAPEL AND WE'RE GONNA GET MAAAARRIED."
We had a massive breakfast of eggs, cereal,baked beans and toast.
At 6am the hairdresser was knocking at the door and started on Dels hair.
At 6:30 we had my new sister arrive (having stayed with Ri the night before hand) with my cousin/make up artist. My cousin was in her PJs, begging for a toothbrush, she'd slept right through her alarm (she'd had difficulties falling asleep, troll/gnu issues).
By 7am all the bridesmaid had arrived as I think mum was around somewhere, she didn't sit still until she had to get her hair done.
By 9am all of the hair was DONE and lovely.
By 9:30am I was bored so my cousin had me start on Stace's make up (apparently I did well at putting on a 'good base').
My dad arrived!
The flowers arrived!
My speechie mate dropped of a gift.
The flower girls arrived!
The photographer arrived!
The girls put on their dresses and then I had to put on mine.
That is when it got real! And my arm/chest started going red and splotchy - cousin+ to the rescue.
We had some photos taken.
THEN THE CARS CAME and we were off...

The Boys
Ri woke up (at 7am), had breakfast with his parents and nan, drove to pick up each of his groomsmen and performed a covert rose drop at where I was getting ready (he didn't leave a note - so mum claims that as they were left at her house, they are her roses...).
Ri went to his nans, and saw his cousins.
Went back to the hotel and showered, shaved (cut himself!), got blood on his shirt.
Organised the picnic for the photo shoot.
....then left for the chapel.

The Boys: The boys arrive at about 12:20, to find a whole heap of people outside the chapel waiting. Ri started directing everyone inside at about twenty too. The photographer arrived and he took photos of the boys (Ri didn't have his tie... the boys didn't have their hankies). And then the boys were directed to cool off in the backroom. Ri heard from official celebrant who reported that they were going to be late and to procede without her. Then I arrived and the groomsmen were sent to the entrance of the chapel and Ri took his position... and then the music started...

The Girls: I arrived at the chapel at about 1pm, our driver decided that there were to many people outside, so we did a lap of the block. Our car ride had been a long one, conversation had included everything from which cousin will get married next to the mating sounds of Koalas. After our lap of the block, we park up at the side of the chapel and as I get out of the car we get a SUN SHOWER! I haven't seen one in ages. Sunny Rain that has to be double good luck. We had some pictures taken. There was some hold up, but I had NO idea what was going on. The coordinator eventually came down and told me official celebrant wasn't there, but that they were 5 minutes away, so we were going to start anyway.
With the help of all of the bridesmaids I made it up the chapel steps. As soon as I got up the steps the coordinator is like - lets start the music! and I was like WOAH just got her give me 10 seconds. I gave the nod and the music started. I stood next to the bridesmaids and gave them a tap as a heard the cue in the music for each of them.
Then it was my turn!

As I was walking down the aisle I tried to focus on smiling and not falling over. The ceremony went really well, Ri was a little eager to say "I do" but other than that, neither of us had a ugly cry, the readers did a great job, and our friend who read the ceremony did a flawless job... until he said "and now to make it official here is the official celebrant..." he told me later that he looked up to see the chapel coordinator making massive NOOOOO gestures at him/waving her arms about like a crazy person. And all the poor boy could think was *F**k* - none of us suspected that she still would not be there.
I breathed, I smiled, I turned to our family and friends and said "well you might as well take a photo."
The celebrant for the next wedding had arrived (over an hour before her ceremony). So the coordinator pushed her down the aisle and we introduced ourselves. Did our vows AGAIN, and just as we were about to be pronounced husband and wife our celebrant arrived.
So we were finally announced as husband and wife (our celebrant didn't actually hear us do our vows, but we did them twice) and signed the paper work.

We greeted everyone as the exit, had a group photo taken and then headed off to our photo location...

Photo time:

It took me one minute to loose my husband.



  1. Congratulations and all of my best wishes to you both! Wishing you a lifetime of love and adventures. Glad to see that you're off on your first great adventure together and am happy to be reading about it here.

    Kind regards,
    Linda in Illinois
