Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Location - San Diego

We are currently in San Diego (going to the zoo tomorrow) but seeing as all we've done in San Diego is sleep, I've uploaded some photos from Vegas, Arizona and San Fran.

On our last day in San Fran we hired a 'go car.' A small yellow 'car' that drives like a motor bike. After getting over the initial terror of driving in a tiny car on the wrong side of the road while having a computerised voice tell you that you are going the wrong way and her idea of 'fixing' the situation is by having us drive through a suburb we were expressly told to avoid... We actually had a great time. Plus don't we look cool?

From San Fran we flew to Las Vegas, where we stayed at Circus Circus. We were told that we MUST see a performance by Cirque du soleil, seeing that we stayed on a Sunday and Monday night their big show 'O' was not showing so Ri had a choice between three shows, one based on the music by the Beatles, one based on the music by Elvis, and one rated R. Knowing that I'm only a fan of music from the here and now he got us two tickets to the one rated R. It was soft core porn Cirque du soleil style. Ri was actually embarrassed and apologised for 'so many boobies.' Hahahaha. I would recommend it! It was hilarious.

From Vegas we drove (a real car) to Arizona and went to Hoover dam and the grand canyon. We enjoy a sleep in so we didn't get to Hoover dam until 1pm and only just made it to the grand canyon to see the sun set (it was amazing!). We didn't get back to Vegas until 1am.

We decided that as we aren't big gamblers that the only other thing to do in Vegas is get married. Seeing as we were already married we renewed our vows.

Elvis started with "Well we made it... how many years have you been married?" me: '9 days...' Elvis "Well we made it 9 days..."

It only took one night to get stuck on you,
and now my wish came true, you big hunka hunka burnin' love!
I thought you were nothin' but a hound dog, cryin' all the time,
but now I know you're my teddy bear
'cause tigers play too rough and lions ain't the kind you love enough.
So kiss me quick and love me tender for I can't help falling in love with you.

It's been a week. And what a week.

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