Thursday, May 6, 2010

I love Americans

Americans have been victims of bad press. I know its only been two days, but I completely love Americans, they are happy and talkative, exactly how I remember them being in 1995.

Here are some pics of our first full day in the USA.

We're on our honeymoon, in San Fran, so the logical place to go?


We walked from our hotel to Alcatraz pier (The first pic is us as at a park in the morning). Ri would like to add that there are gum trees at Alcatraz.

This is for Ri's family (as when I went to Alcatraz my parent sprung for us to have an audio tour each, I didn't realise that it used to cost extra) but NOW the audio tour is FREE! So next time you come to Alcatraz, so do the audio tour!

On the ferry back to the pier Ri bought us prezels, one was stuffed with cheddar cheese. Ri loved it. American 'food' tastes amazing, but my tummy hurts!

I lived a dream by going to Star Bucks in the USA and getting a Venti.


  1. Wow pixie hair! looks cute AND also would like to point out that once someone got hold of the audio tour last time we couldn't budge it from his ears! was a very obedient display to watch: walk, walk, stop, listen, listen, walk...

  2. I have vague memories of some movie where someone orders a "venti triple shot latte..." W

    Love the pixie hair x x

  3. Morning guys. Beautiful day here. Just about to head off to take nan to mother's day breakfast. Pretzel boy looks tired but happy. Starbucks queen looks cute with new hair. love mum

  4. Hooray!! Glad to see you're here (well, not right here in Illinois where I live, but you know - here in the States) :o) and enjoying yourselves.
