Saturday, May 15, 2010

Location - LA

We are on a very bumpy bus trip from San Diego to Los Angeles. whoever said that American highways were smoother then Australian ones obviously haven’t taken a bus along the I5. This is Ri by the way for my first post. We had a great time in San Diego although we didn’t do that much. The first day we just recovered from the couple of days of little or no sleep in Vegas and about 15 hours of driving. I managed to navigate the American roads across three states through the LA outskirts freeways and San Diego suburbia without any troubles or crossing over onto the wrong side, got us to our hotel and backed into a giant yellow pole. Luckily there was no damage but I felt like an idiot.
So after that we slept for about 16 hours which we both really needed. On the Thursday we got ourselves out of bed and made our way to the “San Diego ZOO” The Zoo was awesome and we spent pretty much all day there. The Highlight would have to be the Pandas as you can see from the Photo.

The great thing about “San Diego ZOO” on a weekday is that they have a Kids section with duplicates of the cute animals like the Meerkats and the Otters. This is good because all the field trips stick to this area and leave the rest of the place nice and quiet. On a food note if you’re a Veggie then the Black Bean Veggie burger at the Cafe near the Elephants is awesome.
On the Friday we had a little bit of a sleep in and then when for a drive down to the San Diego waterfront. It was just like the movies with people walking running and rollerblading (They love their rollerblades) up and down the “sidewalk” at the edge of the beach. We stopped that this Cafe called sound wave which is next door to 2 artificial surfing waves. I was tempted by the wave but it was cold and I was wearing jeans. The Cafe was awesome looking out over the water and the food was sensational. Tori claims that it was the best fish and chips that she has ever had and I had a massive chicken nut salad sandwich that was defiantly in my top five sandwiches ever. Despite the American sized portions we both cleaned out plates and sheared a delicious key lime pie. After lunch we drove around San Diego, did some shopping and saw some kids having a go in giant inflatable hamster balls on water (hilarious), and made our way back to the hotel. All in all it was good day where we go to see a bit of real San Diego rather than just the touristy stuff.

Tori here, one he did so accidently go into the wrong lane at least once!
Ri – Car parks don’t count

Tori again – it wasn’t a car park. I loved San Diego! To get the opportunity to go back to San Diego zoo 15 years after my first trip to the USA was great. The last time I went it rained! So to have a beautiful sunny day with all the baby animals out and playing was great.
Right now we are in LA at a hotel near the airport (we can see planes taking off – but can’t hear planes). Tomorrow we are off to Canada! I have never been to Canada!! We are going across the Rockys to Lake Louise! I’m pretty excited about the next week.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is bringing back lots of great memories. Are there still flamingos at the zoo? All good here but not nearly as interesting or exciting as what you are doing. Enjoy lake Louise - be amazing to see it in the summer.Last time we were there it was minus 36.
