Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Travelling with kids

Arch needed to be potty trained before we went, so that he could go to kids club, I was pretty amazed that we actually managed to get him there. He seemed to be stubbornly resistant to the toilet until about a month before we left.
No more nappies!
Ri said, if we got nothing else from this trip, at least it we got him potty trained.
I found this book at Honolulu zoo, which really helped Arch
I finally found a copy of everyone poops, I found a book by Taro Gomi while we were in Japan in 2014, but it wasn't everyone poops. The kids LOVE it. It's funny and straight forward. If you eat, you poop. Arch was in need, he needed to be told it was okay to poop.
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Arch would NOT drink American milk
It looks like we are saying good bye to bottles too! Arch would have milk in his bottles, but it had to be Norco. So we took a few bottles and tried to present him with American milk and he would not have a bar of it. Like me with my coffee, he didn't drink milk again until he was in Sydney and the cafe made him a babyccino with Norco.

Both of our flights had the seats broken into threes, so we sat as two sets of two. I got Immy and Ri Arch. On our flight from Sydney to Brisbane Immy looked at the back of the seat (which didn't have anything on it) and asked where the TV was. I explained that planes didn't always have TVs in the seats and that when I went overseas when I was a kid I had to go without an iPad "Why?" asked Immy, "They didn't exist" I replied, "Did your parents leave them at home?" hahahaha oh dear "No there were no iPads" **look of horror crosses Immy's face** **I feel old**.


  1. I don't know if you remember me or not but this is Linda in Illinois and I was a frequent reader/commentator on your other blogs. Today, out of the blue, I decided to sign back in my old blog email and see which of the blogs I used to read still existed and somehow saw the link to your travel blog which lead me here. At any rate, I just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am to see your beautiful family - time has really flown and your children are already growing up :) My daughter turns 21 next month (I used to write about her often on my blog). I don't blog anymore - haven't for some years, but I still follow and read several blogs. Anyway, you probably don't remember me but just wanted to let you know that it's nice to see you still find time to write and share in the midst of raising a wonderful family. All of the best to you and yours!
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Linda,

      I do remember you! Hi!! 21, they grow up way too fast. It's so good to hear from you. I hope you are well. :) I'll have to finish off the blog for the rest of my trip now! xoxo take care
