Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Pacific Cruise Sea Days

When Erin and Dave first mentioned the idea of going on a cruise, I’m fairly sure I would have said no. Or maybe, which is pretty much me for no. But they worked away at me slowly. Their cruise photos always looked amazing and it did seem like a good way to go to a few countries with two young kids. So we skipped straight to a 18-day trans pacific cruise, because if you’re doing something you may as well go all in.

On the first day it was decided that feeling or mentioning that the ship was rocking with the waves was very quickly labelled as being ‘over dramatic.’ I tumbled into the breakfast booth and asked if this level of rocking was normal. Yes, yes it was.
Good news – the kids and I don’t get sea sick.
Bad news – we are unco.

Erin sat down across from me and breakfast with the ‘fun times’, orange highlighter out, things to do places to be. And then we ended up at the pool sipping cocktails (not highlighted) and Ri and I took our kids and Izzy to mini golf that afternoon (also not highlighted). I've never been very good with schedules, Ri and I were always late if Erin wasn't there to get us to events on time. 

An unexpected part of the cruise was how Immy and Archie took to kids club. We thought it would be a battle and even bribed them to go on the second day (and went to serenity – the 18+ pool- awesome). By day four or five they were begging to go during dinner. Awesome. I took a book (A Clash of Kings) and actually managed to get about half way through it.

Ah the serenity... oh so white

view from our balcony

Kids club, kids club, KIDS CLUB :)

Thanks Jamal

At the front of the boat, on level 9

Our room, a balcony on level 8, was amazing. The view was great, after leaving Hawaii we were taller than any surrounding building until we got to Sydney. I liked just chilling on my balcony and not highlighting anything.
Jen, Lewis and Clark, any of the musicals with music from the 70s or earlier (Triggered).
I think one of my favourite things to do was going to the comedy club. Good times. 

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