Tuesday, November 15, 2016


 Waking up to see land after five days at sea was a strange experience. We'd made it to our first destination. No vomiting, no fighting between friends, and no major damage done by our sea legs.
Izzy did run full pelt into a wall handle, but go up straight afterwards and kept running. They continued to call me dramatic for noticing that waves made the boat move :P.

The view from our room
black sand!

clear water :)
 I think Papeete and Moorea were my favourite stops. Papeete for the time that we had (it was like 9am-11pm), so we could take our time. Erin and Dave learned that Immy and I require constant feeding.
For our first stop we found a lovely little French place to have lunch, Chez Loula et Remy. ah it was so good. And we met a cat that eats pasta.
We stopped at two beaches, the first one was too shallow for me to snorkel at, but the kids loved it (the photo of the fish was from the first beach, a white sand beach). The black sand beach was just gorgeous to swim at, it was near Venus Point. Only thing - no fish! But Chlo and I did enjoy a swim out into the black looking (but clear) water.

white sand beach
For dinner we went to the food trucks that were at the harbour next to the cruise ship. We had crepes. Rhys and I were pretty pleased with about our French food reading abilities hahaha, speak it? no, Read it? no. Read menus, why yes. hahaha. Shows our travel priorities right there, 

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