Monday, September 22, 2014

My 30th Birthday at DisneySea

Children under age 7 must be accompanied by a person age 16 or over
The great thing about renting a place off AirBnB was that we had a kitchen (and a washing machine) for the week, which Ri used to make eggs and toast for breakfast (the kitchen, not the washing machine). After breakfast we headed back to Maihama via Hatchobori, this time turning left as we left the train station and this took us to the Disney monorail station. We took the monorail the three stops to DisneySea. 
Once inside the park we made a beeline for the submarine ride, which looked kind of cool and Imogen had identified it as something she had wanted to go on that day, I had googled the rides while getting ready and listed them to her for consideration.
Trapped! waiting for them to open the door (was only a couple of minutes)

Trapped! Immy thought it was great fun
So we happily board a "submarine" after descending down to the water in the volcano in the middle of the park. The ride was pretty good! We were able to move a flash light around and look at different under the sea settings, that included a alien looking under the sea creature. Just after waving good bye to the final creature the ride stopped. This is where my birthday luck came into play. The ride was broken and had come to a stop, luckily our submarine had JUST made it to the platform and someone was able to come and open the door and we could just step out. There were subs behind us, still in the ride and I have no idea how they got out, but I have a feeling ladders were involved!

It was a little bit wet and rainy so we were very pleased to discover Triton's Kingdom in Mermaid's Lagoon. It was a gigantic undercover area with rides for little kids similiar to those at Fantasyland but with a Little Mermaid theme. 

On the flying blowfish ride.

Bouncing Jellyfish

This photo has Henari in it - I swear! We still do travel with Henari.

Allowed to ride with Imogen, after counting to thirty on my fingers.

Whirlpool (the sea version of the spinning tea cups)

Ariel's playground

We went on every ride in Triton's Kingdom. And this is where the best thing that could possibly happen on your 30th happened to me. My mum, Imogen and I lined up to go on the Jumping Jellyfish ride. The three of us got on one Jellyfish, and then an attendant came up to us and told us that one of us had to move, so mum went to move and then the attendant pointed to me and said I had to move. Then she asked how old I was, "30" I said for the very first time. She then insisted that Imogen had to ride with mum and I had to move. This is the point that it dawned on me that she thought I was not old enough to accompany my daughter on this ride. Freaking awesome. So I said "no no no no, I am 30, 3-0" and then I counting to 30 on my fingers (which takes ages, man I'm old). The attendant was sooo apologetic and I said it was fine and that frankly she'd made my day. 

 After riding all the rides and playinyg in Ariel's playground we had lunch in the Under the Sea themed cafe. I had a scallop burger, which was pretty good, I really enjoyed the various seafood burgers you could get at Tokyo Disney.

Eating Under the Sea with my boys (aren't they both soooo handsome?)
The ride that got us out of the rain at the Arabian Coast
Is that a tooth coming?
Soft serve and Maple Balls? yes please! mmmmmm
 After lunch we emerged from Triton's Kingdom and were greeted with pouring rain, so we whipped out our clear umbrella's and walked through the Arabian Coast to the first ride we found that was out of the rain. After that ride we walked to the other side of Arabian Coast, gave up on walking in the rain and stopped for soft serves and maple balls (pretty good) and while we were eating the sun came out and we ended up with a beautifully sunny afternoon (more birthday luck).
Popcorn!! Yummers.

The rest of the afternoon involved popcorn, a ride on a boat from one side of the park to the other and we caught a random performance of all the character about eating at one of the buffets - singing "a table is waiting, for yooou" (we didn't eat there).We kept on walking and ended up at the Toy Story ride, the lovely lady there let us on without having to wait or come back later - it was awesome, Imogen really enjoyed it - she sat between Ri and I and helped us shoot the different things. Great fun.

Inside the 'volcano' - where the submarine ride is

we watched a random song and dance "a table is waiting....for you!!"

We ended up on the 3D Toy Story ride with NO WAITING!! Imogen loved it.

Toy Story ride from the outside
Shortly after the Toy Story ride Imogen fell asleep. We checked out a couple of shops and I received a phone call from one of my favourites - I got to play 'guess where I am' but ended up blurting out Disneyland because it's so the last place anyone would guess. 

Back at our Tokyo Home. Love my happy boy.
 After our day at DisneySea, mum watched the kiddies and Ri and I set out to find somewhere for dinner. So we walked aimlessly around Chuo until a place felt right.
The yummest Salad I've had in my LIFE - so good
 It turned out to be a French restaurant (which we knew from the flag outside) with a menu entirely in Japanese (with a little bit of French). We were SO lucky that Hiroshi and his Gecko were dining there that night. He happily introduced himself and translated the menu for us (I knew we wanted something from the le Poisson part of the menu). He told us all about the wine bar and how for $20 you could have as much from the wine bar as you like in 2 hours. Oh Yes. We tried some pretty great Red Wine, but kept in mind that we had a whole day at Disneyland to go the next day.
This was delicious too

:) my Ri - we had a pretty great time - with the wine bar haha

Hiroshi told the Chef it was my birthday! look it's in English and everything! love it

So turning 30 was not so bad, actually it was a great day. A great start to my 30s.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a wonderful start to your 30s and you do look much younger! :) Life really flies by. I turn 52 next week and my youngest daughter is turning 21 a month from today.
