Monday, September 22, 2014

Last day at Disney

Our Little Family (now complete)
 I consider myself to be a pretty big Disney fan, we did five days at Disneyworld and one day at Euro Disney on our honeymoon. By the end of day three at the Tokyo Disney parks I was well at truly Disney-ed out. Our third day involved more rides, more mickey shaped food and SHOPPING. Oh so much Disney shopping, in very busy Disney stores.
Mickey Waffles (so sweet!)

Icey snack on a warm day
 Ri and I took Imogen on the Jungle Cruise and Winnie the Pooh's hunny pot. I would strongly recommend the Winnie the Pooh ride, Ri and I both enjoyed it and Imogen laughed out loud the entire time (a strong show of emotions from my normally serious one, who usually prides herself on not giving away that she is enjoying herself). Ri enjoyed it for boring Engineering reasons, something about how the carts must have been .

Mum took Imogen on It's a Small World, while Ri, Arch and I vegged out at a cafe in Tomorrowland.
On the Jungle Cruise

hahaha this was Arch's face most of the time at Disneyland... it was like he was asking WTF is going on

mmm Mike redbean whatever it was

On the jungle cruise

Fabulous (she was doing a new thing of stuffing her fingers in her mouth when she noticed I was trying to take a photo)

Happy Princess at Disneyland

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Imogen fell asleep at Disneyland every single day we were there (she will deny that vehemently). We didn't end up seeing the fireworks, we were usually all stuffed and ready to leave by 7pm. I was definitely an enjoyable introduction to Disney Parks for Imogen (Arch just looked confused the entire time we were there). I've now started planning DisneyWorld trip 2020.  
Dinner from Family Mart... so good

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