Thursday, January 26, 2017


Bora Bora was our second and final destination that required a tender to get ashore.
To be honest after the beautiful day we had in Moorea, Bora Bora got off to a rocky start, it was raining. And windy. And cold.
On this day, I had expressed to Ri that I needed to be near nice clean facilities. So we decided to get a day pass to the intercontinental, which had been so amazing in Moorea.

It wasn't as nice as the one in Moorea, the staff at the desk were unpleasant and it didn't have the same beautiful coral reef or dolphins or turtles. We did some snorkelling, but it was much colder than it was in Moorea (because of the wind).
The staff inside were lovely, our pass included access to the beach and lunch, but one member of staff brought us out some pastries from the breakfast buffet, for the kids. He also got us some extra towels for the kids when he noticed Arch was cold. Super nice.

We spent a bit of time on the beach, reading, building a sandcastle and running around the beach.
The lunch was nice, the best part was not having to hunt around for somewhere to eat, it didn't take a large chuck of our day from us. It was just relaxing and yummy.
Lunch with my little man
We checked out the beach across the road from the hotel and it was nice, but a lot busier. We didn't really have time to get into the water and have a good snorkel.
The other beach
My least favourite part of cruising was the short days that we had on shore, we had to be back at the boat by 3:30pm. And I think we tendered at 9am. We might go on other cruise, but if we don't, that would be the reason. Everything else about it was great. I'd recommend at least trying it once.

Before boarding the tender we found a shave ice place and had a sneaky shave ice while we waited to be herded onto the penultimate tender.
Shave ice on Bora Bora 

1 comment:

  1. Fun, lovely experiences with your sweet family! Glad you had the chance to vacation in this manner. I know that many people like cruises, but it's just something that my husband and I have never been interested in and being that we're over 50, we're pretty much not changing our mind about it, ha! :) But that's okay, because everyone has different likes and especially concerning travel. I've enjoyed following along your travels from way over here in the state of Illinois in the U.S.
    Kind regards,
