Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Big Island 2012

The Cottage we stayed in had this tree on the porch. Immy thought it was magic.
The Cottage near Volcano National Park
 So the one thing I didn't expect to be in Hawaii was cold. We were lucky that the cottage that we stayed in had big jackets for our trip to Volcano national park, as well as a VHS player and a copy of Pearl Harbour on VHS (WTF).
Immy loved the lava 
 We drove into Volcano national park and followed the road down to the water, stopping to investigate the lava.
Rainbows and Hawaii

Me at volcano national park 

Rocking socks and sandals - as we were totally not prepared 
 Ri talks to an American: We were pulled over, so we could grab some lunch, when an American came over and asked Ri if he could have a nappy for his toddler, Ri said "No worries" and the American stood there and said "so...no?" and I said "That means yes in Australian."
The language barrier is real.
The zoo 

In the borrowed jacket

The zoo
Wild Nenes

Big Island is where Immy came out with her first phrase "Where is daddy?' came out of her mouth as clear as day. She had been speaking fluent ImogEnglish and then boom, she started speaking. She was almost 18 months old. 

Maui 2012

We saw a whale while we were eating at this place, I missed out on a photo of a whale, but here is Immy colouring
 Maui has to be one of my favourite places. Even after our near death experience, she says dramatically. Our hire car stopped working when we were driving along the cliffs on the waters edge on the way to the south side of the island from the north. Ri and I have had a lot of interesting experiences with driving while travelling, like driving down the Amalfi coast in a smart car, cruising around the Tenderloin district in a little yellow tourist car and navigating "two way" streets in Scotland, but during those terrifying instances I was only afraid for my life (a maybe a little for Ri, but hell, he was driving), but this time MY BABY was in the car. By the time Ri managed to get the rental car to limp into an IHOP parking lot I was super cranky, why were they renting out cars THAT STOPPED when so much driving on the island involved GIANT CLIFFS with the potential for a DRAMATIC WATERY DEATH.
Okay, so that was the one bad experience, the rest was a dream, lots of time on the beach, relaxing by the pool, a day at the ocean centre and our first luau.
The beach next to our resort
 Immy loved smashing all of Ri's sandcastles.
The ocean centre
 Before we went to the ocean centre we had lunch at a nearby restaurant next to the water and a whale came so close to us (I'm so cranky you can't see it in any of my photos). It was just magic.Was not expecting that at all!
The pool at the resort 
 I loved this resort so much, the restaurant Dukes delivered food to you at the poolside. The pool was great for toddlers.

After dinner at Bubba Gumps, the sunset 

Ocean centre


Relaxing by the pool... waiting for some hula pie from Dukes 

Our first Luau

Family photo in Maui

Travelling with a Baby in Japan

Baby wearing in Tokyo
I thought I would do a quick post on travelling with a baby in Tokyo. (If you are looking for an excellent description of having a baby in Japan and great tips on where to go or how to get around go here. I asked questions and kept this blog in mind on most days!)

Most of the locals seemed to baby wear or use little strollers to get around. Travel wise we took a giant double pram and a front wearing baby carrier.

Japan had surprizingly good baby facilities! Considering that their birthrate is so low and that they sell more adult nappies than baby ones.
Most ladies toilets I went into had stalls with baby seats, so baby could watch you pee- such a great idea
On the first day, I think, Archer struggled with the sudden change in climate. Back home in Brisbane it was still coolish and our first day in Tokyo was quite hot. So from then on we had icepacks and a bottle of water for Arch and that seemed to really help.
We took this massive double pram, which seemed silly until both of them fell asleep in it at the same time, then it seemed like the best idea ever

 The other unique issue Arch faced in Japan was that he got his very first tooth. This was where the panadol we brought came in handy. And the teething toy we brought with us too.
This is one of the nursing rooms I used to feed Arch, they have special nursing rooms that then have a curtain you can pull across for super duper privacy. I did feed out and about in the streets too, I had Rhys hold up a wrap or blanket - thought it best to be extra discrete in a foreign country that had rooms like this!

More baby wearing - he did reposition him after this pic!
 Arch is my routine free baby.  Immy was a much more predictable baby, we never  had a strict routine but I could usually predict when she would nap, for how long and the number of naps she would have in a day. I think Archer's randomness worked well for travel. He never got upset for missing a nap, for example.
We became human feeding chairs
 He did a pretty good job with rolling with the punches. We have never been strict routine parents. Immy naturally fell into her routine!
Having an apartment with an outside area was great for soothing him, he loved being out on the balcony

here we are at about 5am :)
When we went to Hawaii with Immy in 2012 I remembering speaking to a few Americans who were there on holidays from the main land and they all seemed to ask us "So where are the grandparents?" to which we would laugh and say "back home in Australia" and then they would look at us like we were MAD. And now I know why! Having my mum come with us was awesome. We had at least 2 meals kiddie free and at least 2 where we only took Immy along with us. Mum took Arch when he was cranky. Allowed us to go on rides with just Immy at Disneyland. She fed him, she bounced him, she carried him in the baby carrier. She was amazing.
His "I just got a tooth" face
asleep in his pram

travelling on his Nanni
I bought some great baby stuff too. An awesome looking first toothbrush, some spoons that have small baby mouth sized ends with really long handles (I've used them and they are so good!) I also bought him a sippy cup and some baby food. He hated the Japanese baby food. But it was by Kewpie! Imogen has always LOVED Kewpie Mayo so I thought Arch would love the baby food. Wrong.